Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baby Eynon Ultrasound

We had the baby's first ultrasound today. We had the opportunity to have a video made as well as pictures (pictures will be posted later). My mom and Rob were with me. The ultrasound lady was awesome at not letting us know the sex of the baby. My mom wanted to know, but the nurse said that if I didn't want to know then no one would know. It was exciting being able to see the baby. It is six ounces at 17 1/2 weeks along. The baby is healthy and hiccuping as we saw on the ultrasound, making it difficult for us to hear the heartbeat, but we eventually did. The total video was about 3 minutes, but uploading was slow so only 2 parts are here. I may upload the rest later.


  1. I am so excited for you!! Glad you have a blog. I will add you to my list. See you this weekend at Stake conference.

  2. That's did they record it so you could have a copy? We have this super long vhs from Seth (which we never watched after the first time)...a short digital clip would have been more useful.
    What do you usually do in the lab? (Or what kind of lab is it?)

  3. They had a dvd recorder attached to the ultrasound machine. It was about 3 minutes, but it divided it up into segments to download. I work in a pharmaceutical lab in which I would handle chemicals, not safe for the baby. We make the active pharmaceutical ingredients in drugs that have not yet been tested or released.

  4. Wow! I just watched the video. Ultra sounds have come alooooong way! What do you think you are having?

  5. My mom and Rob thinks its a boy, but I didn't see anything to indicate it was either one.

  6. Isn't there a 3rd part of the video? I see nothing definitive here in the first watch through. I am happy you made a blog!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. actually, i think i know what it is after the second viewing, but i'm not going to broadcast it out of respect for my sis...if you want the second on the video to look at, email me and you can be an amateur ultrasound tech too! ;)

  9. You have a blog!! You didn't tell me but I'm so excited about it! I am even more excited about the little muffin in oven :o) Miss you guys!
